Finding Great Keywords Using TikTok Autocomplete: A Comprehensive Guide

Keyword research is an essential aspect of creating content that reaches a broader audience on TikTok. One effective way to discover trending and relevant keywords is by using TikTok’s autocomplete feature. This feature suggests keywords as you type in the search bar, giving you insights into what users are currently interested in. In this guide, we’ll explore how to leverage TikTok’s autocomplete to find great keywords for your content.

Understanding TikTok Autocomplete

TikTok’s autocomplete feature operates similarly to autocomplete features on other platforms. As you start typing in the search bar, TikTok’s algorithm predicts and suggests keywords that are popular or closely related to your input. These suggestions are based on user behavior and the most popular searches on the platform.

Steps to Find Great Keywords

  1. Start Typing Relevant Keywords: Begin by typing a broad keyword related to your content. For example, if your content revolves around fitness, start typing “fitness” in the search bar.
  2. Observe Autocomplete Suggestions: As you type, TikTok’s autocomplete feature will start suggesting keywords related to “fitness.” These suggestions may include specific workout routines, nutrition tips, or fitness challenges. Pay attention to these suggestions as they reflect popular trends and interests.
  3. Expand with Long-tail Keywords: Long-tail keywords are more specific phrases that capture the nuances of what users are searching for. If one of the autocomplete suggestions is “home workouts,” you can expand on this by typing “home workout routines” or “effective home workouts.”
  4. Analyze Keyword Popularity: Before finalizing your keywords, it’s crucial to gauge their popularity. You can do this by observing the number of views and engagement on existing content that uses those keywords. This will give you an idea of whether the keyword is trending and widely searched.
  5. Stay Current with Trends: TikTok trends change rapidly. Use the autocomplete feature regularly to stay updated on the latest trending keywords. By capitalizing on these trends, you can create content that resonates with a larger audience.
  6. Combine Keywords Creatively: Don’t limit yourself to a single keyword. Experiment with combining different keywords to create unique and engaging content. For example, if “dance” and “challenges” are both popular suggestions, consider creating a dance challenge video.
  7. Monitor Your Content’s Performance: After implementing the chosen keywords in your content, monitor its performance. If your content gains traction and engagement, you’ve likely hit upon successful keywords. If not, don’t be afraid to adjust your approach and try new keyword combinations.


Leveraging TikTok’s autocomplete feature to find great keywords can significantly enhance your content’s visibility and engagement. By staying informed about the latest trends, using long-tail keywords, and creatively combining keywords, you can create content that resonates with TikTok’s audience. Remember that keyword research is an ongoing process, so regularly check TikTok’s autocomplete to stay up-to-date with evolving trends and interests.

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